
22 April 2011 The Guardian

Six Black Candles

By Des Dillon. A Goldfish Theatre review.

WHEN Des Dillon's comedy premiered at Edinburgh's Royal Lyceum, it had such brash popular appeal that I predicted it would be fewer than five years before we saw it again. That was in 2004. A full seven years later, it has taken the author himself to get Six Black Candles back on stage (not counting the theatre in Kiev where it is still in rep). He has reunited much of the original nine-strong cast and drafted in John Binnie to direct.

21 April 2011 Northings

Six Black Candles

By Des Dillon. A Goldfish Theatre review.

YOU'VE got to admire Des Dillon for resolve. Not only has the playwright and novelist raised the funding for this revival of his black-magic comedy seven years after it was first seen in Edinburgh, but he has managed to stage it on pretty much the same scale. It's not every day you see a cast of ten playing the arts-centre circuit, especially not with actors of such professional standing. With the seemingly endless tour of his anti-sectarian play SinginÕ IÕm No a Billy He's a Tim still going strong, it is clear Dillon does not lack in entrepreneurial flare.

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