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17 May 2010 Northings

Whisky Kisses

By Euan Martin and Dave Smith. A Right Lines review.

YOU'VE got to salute the determination of the Whisky Kisses team. They've been plugging away at this musical since 2005 when they first heard about the Highland Quest competition run through Eden Court in Inverness. They didn't win, but they were heartened by the public response and managed to get it staged in 2008 with students from Glasgow's RSAMD on the Edinburgh Fringe, where I last saw it.

12 August 2008 Northings

Whisky Kisses

By Euan Martin and Dave Smith. A Right Lines review.

THERE'S A great premise behind Whisky Kisses, one of the front-runners in the Highland Quest for a New Musical competition, now being given a full production by students from Glasgow's RSAMD. We're in a swanky Manhattan office where high-flying executive Ben has spotted the chance to fill a gap in his whisky collection.

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